Why You Need to Try a Pumpkin Peel October 12 2020

You already eat (and drink) pumpkin for its numerous health benefits.
Why not incorporate it into your skincare regimen too? 

Pumpkin contains enzymes, vitamin A, C and K, iron, zinc and so many antioxidants it’s no wonder it’s considered one of nature’s healthiest foods. These ingredients are also what puts pumpkin at the top of my list for skin rejuvenation. A naturally occurring exfoliator, pumpkin provides a gentle, superficial skin peeling that reduces the signs of aging for younger looking skin.

Lira Pumpkin Plus is uniquely formulated with pumpkin enzymes that are infused with retinol and contain super-rich pomegranate and mango antioxidants to fight free radical damage. When Lira Pumpkin Plus is applied to the skin the plant enzymes soften and break down the hardened oil and dead skin cells that build up in the hair follicle trapping the dirt and oil. By exfoliating the dead cells on the surface of the skin it encourages cell turnover and keeps your complexion feeling and looking smooth and supple.The retinol helps fight acne and also fine lines and wrinkles. Zinc contained in the pumpkin also helps control oil in oily/acne skin while the enzymes brighten the complexion.

All skin types can benefit from Pumpkin Plus.  If you haven't tried it you are missing out on a great skin treatment!